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Securing High-Risk Assets in Retail: The Role of Advanced Security Systems

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In the retail world, safeguarding high-risk assets such as guns, electronics, tobacco, and pharmaceutical drugs has become a critical concern for store owners. These items are prime targets for theft due to their high value and easy resale potential. Continuously rising theft statistics require innovative security solutions to protect these assets as well as ensure the safety of both customers and staff.

The Growing Threat of Retail Theft

Retail theft has reached unprecedented levels. According to the National Retail Federation’s 2023 survey, retail theft losses surged to $112.1 billion in 2022, up from $93.9 billion the previous year, a 19% increase​ (Investors)​​ (NYC.gov)​. Major retailers such as Target and Dick’s Sporting Goods have reported significant impacts on their earnings due to inventory shrinkage, driven by both individual shoplifting and organized retail crime. Target alone noted a 120% increase in theft incidents involving violence or threats of violence in the first five months of 2023​ (Investors)​. These statistics highlight the urgent need for robust security solutions that can adapt to the evolving tactics of criminals.

Challenges in Securing High-Risk Assets

When it comes to effectively deterring sophisticated theft operations, traditional security measures often fall short. Many systems rely heavily on electricity and Wi-Fi, which can be easily disrupted or tampered with by experienced thieves. Additionally, standard surveillance cameras and alarms may not provide immediate intervention, allowing thieves time to escape with stolen goods. On average, police response times to retail burglaries can range from 10 to 60 minutes, giving thieves a critical window of opportunity to complete their thefts before law enforcement arrives.

Unlike traditional systems MyShield operates on batteries and uses LTE connection, ensuring continuous functionality without dependence on AC power or network connectivity. Moreover, MyShield is designed to actively react to intrusions as they happen, immediately and remotely deploying a thick, disorienting fog that forces intruders out of the premises. This swift reaction capability ensures that thieves are unable to steal what they cannot see, providing a robust and proactive layer of security.

Case Study: MyShield Installation at Three River Firearms

A recent installation of MyShield at Three River Firearms in Rome, Georgia, exemplifies the effectiveness of this advanced security system. Sirko International, an authorized reseller and integrator of MyShield, successfully integrated the system into the store’s existing security infrastructure. This collaboration highlights the potential of MyShield to provide an additional layer of security and safety.

“Combining MyShield’s proactive intervention with Three River Firearms’ existing security system will provide Three River Firearms with an additional layer of security and safety,” said Jonathan Sirko, CEO of Sirko International.

MyShield is the first all-in-one, LTE-M-connected intruder detection and intervention security fog generator system. It is a standalone, app-based solution connected to cellular IoT networks, which can also be integrated into existing security and monitoring systems. The award-winning proprietary security fog generator fills a room with a veil of harmless yet disorienting fog within seconds, quickly forcing intruders off the premises before they can cause harm to people or properties. This system is easy to install, battery-powered, and includes an integrated passive infrared motion (PIR) detector, HD video camera with recording capabilities, and voice communication to ensure verification and announcement prior to deployment.

Real-World Installation Insights

During the installation at Three River Firearms, two MyShield units were set up successfully. Steve Loyd, the owner of Three River Firearms, was impressed by MyShield’s seamless integration and its added layer of security. Recognizing the importance of safeguarding firearms, Loyd has become a reseller for Sirko International, aiming to extend this security solution to his customers.

“In today’s climate, customers are actively searching for ways to safeguard their firearm investments at home. I am enthusiastic about providing a solution to help our customers protect their valuable investments,” said Steve Loyd.

The Importance of Advanced Security Solutions

The integration of advanced security solutions like MyShield is crucial in addressing the rising threat of theft in retail environments, especially for high-risk assets. By offering an independent, reliable security measure that reacts immediately to intrusions, MyShield ensures that thieves are deterred effectively, protecting valuable goods and enhancing overall security.

As retail theft continues to pose significant challenges, the adoption of innovative security systems will be key in safeguarding high-risk assets and providing peace of mind for business owners and customers alike.

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